
(PECL event >= 1.8.0)

EventHttpConnection::setCloseCallbackSet callback for connection close


public EventHttpConnection::setCloseCallback( callable $callback , mixed $data = ?): void

Sets callback for connection close.



Callback which is called when connection is closed. Should match the following prototype:

callback( EventHttpConnection $conn = null , mixed $arg = null ): void

Return Values

No value is returned.


Example #1 EventHttpConnection::setCloseCallback() example

 * Setting up close-connection callback
 * The script handles closed connections using HTTP API.
 * Usage:
 * 1) Launch the server:
 * $ php examples/http_closecb.php 4242
 * 2) Launch a client in another terminal. Telnet-like
 * session should look like the following:
 * $ nc -t 4242
 * GET / HTTP/1.0
 * Connection: close
 * The server will output something similar to the following:
 * HTTP/1.0 200 OK
 * Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=boundarydonotcross
 * Connection: close
 * <html>
 * 3) Terminate the client connection abruptly,
 * i.e. kill the process, or just press Ctrl-C.
 * 4) Check if the server called _close_callback.
 * The script should output "_close_callback" string to standard output.
 * 5) Check if the server's process has no orphaned connections,
 * e.g. with `lsof` utility.

function _close_callback($conn)

$conn $req->getConnection();

    By enabling Event::READ we protect the server against unclosed conections.
    This is a peculiarity of Libevent. The library disables Event::READ events
     on this connection, and the server is not notified about terminated

    So each time client terminates connection abruptly, we get an orphaned
    connection. For instance, the following is a part of `lsof -p $PID | grep TCP`
    command after client has terminated connection:

    57-php     15057 ruslan  6u  unix 0xffff8802fb59c780   0t0  125187 socket
    58:php     15057 ruslan  7u  IPv4             125189   0t0     TCP *:4242 (LISTEN)
    59:php     15057 ruslan  8u  IPv4             124342   0t0     TCP localhost:4242->localhost:37375 (CLOSE_WAIT)

    where $PID is our process ID.

    The following block of code fixes such kind of orphaned connections.
$bev $req->getBufferEvent();
// We have to free it explicitly. See
$bev->free(); // we have to free it explicitly


    $buf = new EventBuffer();

    $req->sendReply(200, "OK");

$port = 4242;
if ($argc > 1) {
    $port = (int) $argv[1];
if ($port <= 0 || $port > 65535) {
    exit("Invalid port");

$base = new EventBase();
$http = new EventHttp($base);

$http->setDefaultCallback("_http_default", NULL);
$http->bind("", $port);


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